This voluntary modern slavery and human trafficking statement is made on behalf of Really Useful Group Investments Limited pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”). In this statement, “Really Useful Group” or “Group” should be taken to mean Really Useful Group Investments Limited and its subsidiaries including (but not limited to) The Really Useful Group Limited.
The Group opposes slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and makes this statement to set out the steps it has taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its business or in its supply chains.
This statement constitutes the Really Useful Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 30 June 2023.
The Group exists to produce, license and promote the shows and music of Andrew Lloyd Webber around the globe. The Group represents Andrew Lloyd Webber’s works in theatre, film, television, music publishing and all other forms of licensing.
Although the Group considers the inherent risk of encountering modern slavery or human trafficking within its business, supply chains and partnerships to be very low, it is nonetheless an issue that the Group takes seriously and measures to support and reinforce the Group’s commitment to ensuring that no slavery or human trafficking is present in its supply chains or partnerships are routinely included in its licensing activities and business dealings.
The Group’s Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking policy reflects its commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in its supply chains.
Additionally, the Group asks new and existing suppliers if they comply with the Act and shows a preference for trading with those who do comply. The Group is not aware of any slavery or human trafficking being present in any part of its supply chain throughout the world.
The Group is committed towards acting ethically and has set up an Ethics Committee which routinely reviews the Group’s practices and policies, which includes a review of issues pursuant to the Act and a regular assessment of the risk of modern slavery arising within its business, supply chains and partnerships to ensure that any areas of risk are identified and can be appropriately addressed.
The Really Useful Group conducts training for all employees to emphasise the importance of ethical conduct and social values. Guidance on the Act is incorporated within such training.